Yoga philosophy

It was an insect who told me to write again.

Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas)

The ancient teachings of yoga talk about three energetic forces that weave together to form the universe and everything in it. These are called the gunas (Sanskrit for strands or qualities).

Every experience we have is composed of the three gunas in different proportions. These three qualities are in a constantly changing relationship with each other.

  • When Sattva (harmony, goodness, purity) predominates, consciousness is calm, clear, comprehensible, virtuous.
  • Dominated by Rayas, it is agitated, uncertain, unstable.
  • Overwhelmed by Tamas, it is darkness, confusion, passions, lethargy.
(From Mircea Eliade’s book on Samkhya philosophy ‘Immortality and Freedom’).

I recently recognized some tamasic traits developing in me, like feeling unmotivated and heavy. To get my energy moving again, I started tidying up around the house, garden and terrace. I used a towel to move away the colony of harvestman spiders that had made their home on our door. However on the next day I found them on the bench on the veranda, so I had to move them again. After some days I gave up and let them be behind the bench. I’m still trying to find out what is right approach.

In a spiritual context, insects are often associated with symbolic meanings. While I have no specific information about the spiritual significance of the harvestman, they, like other insects, can be messengers from the universe. The harvestman has a strong social cohesion: during the day, dozens to hundreds of harvestman spiders huddle together to protect themselves from enemies. At night they all go hunting individually.

Perhaps seeing a harvestman is a sign that you are on the right track on your spiritual journey:
They represent taking risks and having faith in one’s abilities to pursue dreams. Their long, spindly legs encourage bold leaps. They symbolize adaptability, resilience, and the ability to handle life’s obstacles flexibly.They are seen as lucky creatures, signifying approaching abundance, good fortune and prosperity. In many cultures, they represent wisdom, prudence and deep reflection before acting.

Wild nature

When we just lived here for a year or so, I trimmed a wild tangerine tree to make it look nicer. Now four years later it first almost died. Now it lives again but no blossoms and no tangerines. Every time I look at the tree, I am so sorry. The only thing I can do is do a H’oponopono : I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

What about wild, original and authentic persons that are being trimmed – managed ?
You see, even I have it in me to want to manage and rule the natural being of nature. It is an essence that is not easy to admit, though it is essential to do.

Wake up

Waking up is not only what you do in the mornings after sleeping.
Waking up is understanding that you are sleeping during your day, during your lifetime. That you start to understand that there is more information and knowledge to take in, that there are other levels to enter just like in a video game but then in your life here and now. That learning doesn’t stop after school or university, that there’s other learning as well. The information that is hidden can be opened up like a book that is waiting for you to be read.

Time: no time, wasted time, right time, timing, on time
In meditation, time is never wasted. Inside information comes with time. Wrongly invested time is like waiting on the bus that never comes because you sit on the wrong bus stop. Obtaining clarity on how and where to be at the right time, is what we practice in our retreat weeks. Not wasting time and understanding time by undoing, just sitting, being present then there is no time and a lot of time..kala.

Things change

A tree becomes a chair
A clump of gold becomes a ring
Stones become houses
What are they before we name them?

A while ago a friend spent some time with me in my house. I hadn’t seen her for a few years, and at one time we used to live together. When I prepared her breakfast she said ‘o no I don’t eat like this anymore‘. I was shocked because for all the time I knew her, she had the very same strict eating habits.
When I drove my parents to the beach I sometimes took a different way to get there, they were upset.
When my yoga teacher asked me to stand or move in a different way, my mind revolted and I sometimes got a panic attack.

Things are inherently meant to change. That is nature and natural for all living beings. Most minds don’t like change and prefer to stick to habits. If the habit brings you good health: great! What if it is not?

Just giving you some food for thought.
Love from where we are, the mountains of the South West near the Ocean under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

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